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The Premier Space Trading Simulator

... established 1999

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Galactic Police Status Report: Active vessels as of 09:54 PM GST
IDPlayerClassEmpireLegalRankKills Planet

Galactic Trader: Hall of Fame [Generated 20-Dec-2024]
1Jim_Raynor 207,136,752GAL GOD922 1,704,548,480
2vgergirl7 147,494,336GAL GOD259,852 10,491,299,840
3Jim_Raynor 58,162,440GAL GOD48,919 177,050,928
4buff 46,570,572GAL GOD8,709 1,252,888,064
5PanzerWahoo 43,671,636GAL GOD20,258 1,152,976,256
6NightHawk 43,609,372GAL GOD28,477 366,108,576
7PanzerWahoo 36,727,692GAL GOD11,383 1,197,356,800
8buff 36,092,148GAL GOD22,036 2,987,451,136
9CaptEbomb 31,205,048GAL GOD25,168 1,998,516,224
10NightEagle 26,413,944Fleet Adm27,446 1,093,438,592

Galactic Trader: Current Leaders
Player ScoreRankKillsAssets
1xcaliber 348,732,288GAL GOD403,623 7,674,502,144
2soolu 326,581,504GAL GOD49,014 3,522,910,464
3zap1 314,936,032Chief13,259103,782,113,280
4unix 103,603,952GAL GOD10,240110,661,115,904
5Mags 89,719,456GAL GOD14,088 3,341,342,976
6JKNC 47,562,188GAL GOD16,390 3,984,249,600
7CRANESWING 43,952,660GAL GOD5,598 1,115,672,064
8masrad 34,586,904GAL GOD19,271 1,084,870,144
9Labman 34,017,972GAL GOD7,114 1,151,025,536
10buffthargi 29,588,006GAL GOD24,433 3,672,820,992
11vgergirl7 25,225,824GAL GOD29,010 6,905,178,112
12McLeod 22,535,330GAL GOD21,367 559,106,944
13Woft 11,005,259GAL GOD10,487 849,001,856
14Clary 5,046,764GAL GOD5,558 370,077,568
15NPRG 4,734,190GAL GOD805 94,931,368
16BORG3OF7 4,617,330Fleet Adm6,575 393,324,960
17Trdr 4,504,844GAL GOD6,359 443,406,048
18tk421 3,962,297GAL GOD6,208 237,243,712
19JamnJD 3,851,940GAL GOD1,949 294,311,360
20mybigpeen 3,629,317GAL GOD3,899 464,688,576
21Zombie 3,220,139GAL GOD6,827 568,740,224
22angelofdeth 3,089,370GAL GOD2,371 314,152,672
23Fugazi 2,891,331GAL GOD1,676 1,888,323,456
24olem 2,364,011GAL GOD1,796 120,346,408
25fred 2,138,995GAL GOD1,218 200,214,304

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GT r4.4 Screenshots

Battling a Thargoid Outpost

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Buying and selling cargo

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Buying a new ship

Upgrading your ship

Hyperjumping to a new planet

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